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Mountain Hawk-Eagle

    The Mountain Hawk-Eagle is one of the biggest raptors native to Taiwan, and is also one of the rarest and hardest to observe. It's wingspan is a bit small for such a big eagle, which is one of the easiest ways to identify it. A big body with wide wings. The Mountain Hawk-Eagle is not easy to see because it lives only in places with almost no human disruption. It also only comes out to hunt a couple of times a day, so you might not be able to see it even if you are in a suitable habitat.

The Mountain Hawk-Eagle is considered very sacred by some indigenous tribes in Taiwan, and the tail feathers of the eagle are used to decorate the headdresses of local tribal leaders. I also consider the Mountain Hawk-Eagle as sacred because I have only met it a couple of times, and it is the bird that started my birding journey. Of the four times I have seen it, three times I saw it in Ali, the place where I first started birding. It is still one of my favorite places to do mountain birding. I really like the Mountain Hawk-Eagle because I think it is very regal when it flies, and you can typically only catch a few glimpses of it before it disappears again, making you cherish the moment even more, leaving you somewhat shocked and awestruck.

Sadly, the Mountain Hawk-Eagle is under threat due to hunting and of course, deforestation and human development , the silent killer of threatened species. I hope the government can work with the indigenous people, so that they can still make a living without damaging the environment. And there will be Mountain Hawk-Eagles for me to share with future generations.

~Article and Pictures by Isaac Lang


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