I usually go birding every chance I have, but in my busy teen schedule, I usually only have a morning or sometimes if I'm lucky, a whole day free. Besides going birding with my dad, if the Tainan Wild Bird Society has any events going on, I almost always participate. For example, me and my dad participate in the New Year Bird Count every year, we help with the Black-faced Spoonbill survey, and other numerous Wetland birding events, and I also volunteer to be a bird guide at a local birding spot sponsored by the Wild Bird Society. One year we focused on submitting as many checklists for a local wetland IBA to help prevent it from becoming a solar farm, which would mean that the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the Nordmann’s Greenshank would have to find another spot to rest during migration. Black-faced Spoonbill (with tag) Beside all the events we participate in, me and my dad use eBird every time we go birding, and take very careful counts when we bird. Recently I have started to pay ...